Monday, 20 June 2011

Still playing with clothes...

I was pretty disappointed with the prospect of returning two big bins of clothes to the basement, so I gave them another look. 

I realized that there's room for my off-season, business, and too-small clothes in three small, recently-emptied, drawers in the guest-room closet. 

I'm much happier with this, because I did not want to put any clothes back in the basement. When it comes to clutter, out of sight isn't out of mind.

Then I turned to the "rags" bin. 

Since I wanted to keep a painting outfit, I put a pair of jeans and a couple of tops back in my closet. Better to keep them with the rest of my clothes, instead of hidden away in a (packed) basement. 

I took the wearable "rags" out of the house and dropped them in a donation bin. Getting them out of the house felt great.

Now, instead of two full bins going back into the basement, I have just a dozen rags. 

This feels much better.

On the consignment front, I discovered that the local consignment boutique isn't taking anything until August. What a drag. I've got call in to two other shops.

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